
Friday, October 19, 2012

Why don´t I talk at parties / gatherings / events?

Over the past three years of my life living here, I have realized that I developed some patterns of not talking to people.

These are the patterns:-

1. I don´t understand the language
2. I am too tired to translate the language
3. I am too tired to make sentences.
4. I am too tired to mingle around.
5. I am tired to mingle.
6. I am giving a chance for my husband to get the spotlight.
7. I am not in the mood for socializing.
8. If I stay quiet, someone talkative would want to start talking to me.
9. I stay quiet because I don´t want to create meaningless conversations.
10. I keep quiet because I do not want to make unnecessary efforts of creating possible friendships that would not last.
11. I keep quiet because there are some other people who have more interesting things to say about themselves.
12. I keep quiet because I do not have any interesting things to say.
13. I keep quiet because I feel that whatever I am going to say is not worth it.
14. I keep quiet because I feel that I keep on saying negative things and then I keep on getting pity looks from people - and I don´t like that!
15. I speak very bad Swedish.
16. I speak bad Swedish and the Swedes don´t understand my jokes!
17. I enjoy my drinks more than talking to you.
18. I enjoy my surroundings more than talking to you.
19. I pretend to enjoy my surroundings.
20. I pretend to listen to the laudest dude talking in the room.

Actually there is more to the list, but I am just too tired right now.....


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